Bedlack quoted in support of AMX0035 in new Biospace article. 

From left: Amylyx Co-founders and Co-CEOs Justin Klee and Josh Cohen/Courtesy Amylyx . The FDA’s Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee will face its first big test since the regulator went against its vote on Biogen’s Aduhelm (aducanumab), approving the still-controversial Alzheimer’s drug in June 2021. On Wednesday, the Committee will vote on […]

The Duke ALS Team will again be participating in the Triangle Walk to Defeat ALS.

Halifax Mall 300 N Salisbury St, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

Hope to see you there Your participation in the Walk to Defeat ALS has a direct impact on people living with ALS and their families at the local level. Through education, support groups, access to care and advocacy, we are working to defeat ALS and provide hope to people living with ALS and their families.

50 Fashions For Fighting ALS

Building on this amazing 50 for 50 Challenge and to kick off ALS Awareness Month, the Duke ALS Clinic is hosting a photo contest called “50 Fashions For Fighting ALS.”  You can […]